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Virtual Sweet Pea Workshop Schedule 2021

Seed Sowing To Final Planting

 Mondays 7pm





To learn by instruction, demonstration, participation and practice the varied methods of growing Sweet Pea seedlings.


Workshop Details

I am offering an open invitation to join me by Zoom as I go through the individual stages of seedling production.  It is specifically aimed at inexperienced growers but will not be restricted - there will be no charges but I hope that it may help to have a North West full of Sweet Peas for the Summer and lots of entries at our Regional Show in Chorley.  It is open to non-members so, please pass the word round to your friends.


The planned programme is as follows.  All the dates will be on a Monday evening commencing at 7pm (a zoom meeting lasts for 40 minutes but can be re-joined for a further 40 minutes).  It is not anticipated that any of the meeting should be more than 2 sessions (i.e. 80mins). 



1st February - Introductory Slide show & discussion

on propagation equipment & methods

8th February - Session 1 - Seed Sowing

22nd February - Session 2 - Potting On Singly

15th March - Session 3 - Stopping

29th March - Session 4 - Hardening

12th April - Session 5 - Final Planting 




The timing of the Workshops is designed to produce plants that will start to flower at the beginning of July (this will slightly vary depending on the timing of the seasons). If earlier flowers are required they would have had to be sown in the autumn. An average length of flowering period is 8 weeks. If later flowering times are required, seeds may be sown up to early April using the same methods as the Workshops will illustrate.


Requests for participation need to be forwarded to me ( so that i can send you a link to join the meetings.  For each session, I will forward you an information sheet relating to that session.


Best wishes for the new growing season. I look forward to seeing you at one or more of our events.



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